Chuck Pierce / November 2013 / Raise the Standard! Hit the Mark!

Raise the Standard! Hit the Mark!


November 2013
Chuck Pierce at Glory of Zion.

chuck pierce

This is the month of Kislev, and the month associated with the Tribe of Benjamin. The most gifted with the art of the bow! On Sunday morning, the Lord began to stir the importance of raising a standard as well as fixing our focus to hit the mark. Allow this word from the Lord to fix your gaze this week:

“You are entering into a time when the enemy will come in like a flood, and you are relying upon the same weapons that you’ve used in past seasons. This is a month of Me shooting arrows and striking the enemy. When the enemy comes in like a flood, you must allow a new standard to arise, for you are worshiping in last week’s standard.

Let a new standard rise up! Let something in you that has not been sharpened, be sharpened. Let something arise in you from Me, where you’ve not known Me in the past. I am more creative than you are, and I can move things into place in you in ways that you can’t. Allow Me to raise up a new standard within you!

For I have targets that you have not seen, and you are a target in days ahead. So be creative over how to hit the mark that I’m telling you to hit.

And when you can’t hit the mark, find a way to hit the mark! For this is a month to sharpen you and cause your identity to arise. Know that the enemy has marked you, so be sharpened, and on the offensive, so that when the enemy comes in, My standard is raised up!

Your vision hasn’t been clear so you could target the enemy. For the enemy has made you double minded in the past. But now I’m causing you to see the mark ahead. Choose to be sharpened, so you hit the bull’s eye and cause the enemy to fall!”

Call to the Wall